Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Several times have I tried to blog. An insatiable need occasionally arises within me to voice my concern/opinions/frustrations etc. about the world apparent. Done, the need to continue disappears and other concerns retake their precedence.

Again this need strikes me, and so I know how this will most inevitably end. However, I have found new inspiration for this drabbling of thoughts that could possibly cause a continuation of my web presence as such.
The intent of this blog is to flesh out my ideas and concepts of the world through synthesising all my ideas into a semi-coherent page. I hope I will be able to combine my own observations of the world with those of others as well as social, cultural, political and religious discourses. To some extent I know that I will aim to inform -I know that in this respect I will merely satisfy my own desire to have my voice heard.

This is perhaps not the greatest time I could have chosen to restart blogging. The next 2 and a half months consist of a strict regimen of study and exams that will largely prevent me from writing. But due to self imposed restrictions on my digital and otherwise social life - this will more or less be my outlet.
So for any sorry sole who may choose to take interest in my journey of self determination and realisation, expect absences - I will get my mother to write me a notice of explanation if you so wish.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this - here's to beginnings.


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